Our Ministries
This is where you’ll find information about all the awesome ministries available at LifePoint. We strive to reach and engage every man, woman, and child in ministry from the pulpit to the pew. We want to offer men, women, and children support, fellowship, relationships, and community. We also want to help everyone meet the challenges of being a husband, wife, child, mother, father, son, daughter, wage earner, house wife, and student in todays society.
To help accomplish this, we have Belong Groups that meet four times a week, Youth ministries, and Sunday Children’s services to keep everyone in the Word and following our Lord. If you want to learn more about what is happening at LifePoint and how you can get involved, just give us a call 509.967.2447.
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Belong Group Studies
Belong Groups are a great way to grow, stay involved & stand strong with each other during your week. We have four just for you. Sunday morning Ladies group, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday groups.
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Team Jesus
Our Team Jesus program is a place where your child will be given opportunities to learn about God and also be loved, valued and accepted.
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LifePoint Youth
On Wednesday Nights our youth, 6th through 12th grade, meet at 6:45PM to dive into God’s word, and have a little fun together.